Page name: room of torture [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-01-31 05:30:23
Last author: Eyonic
Owner: Eyonic
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Enter a room meant for torture. A large room it is, filled with all sorts of devices that could be used to torture someone. Over there is the spinning wheel of doom and there is a faucet for anyone who needs to use water for their fun. In the closet and cupboards you can find all sorts of interesting (and dangerous) items.




Newly added hallway:
Cain's room
no other rooms have been claimed yet

Abandoned hallway:
Over to Poe's Room
Over to Pup's Room
Over to Vic's Room
Over to Cykes's Room
Over to Bishop's Room

Outside the mansion:
to the blood forest

Back to Torture Castle rp


Archive: Torture Room2

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2007-12-19 [Rook.]: *cries* i got bit...*glares at Anya and takes out a squirt bottle* meanie.... *puts it away and looks at her hand* she bit me.....

2007-12-19 [Lady Arrianya]: *heals Poes hand and curls up in corner, biting own paw*

2007-12-19 [Rook.]: *dives over and takes paw out of mouth* No! bad Anya!! no self harm.

2007-12-19 [Lady Arrianya]: *growls at Poe and bites other paw*

2007-12-19 [Lady Arrianya]: (brb...test time)

2007-12-19 [Rook.]: *takes other paw out of mouth and tapes it shut* Anya....

2007-12-19 [Rook.]: (okay...have fun^^ *shivers* i hate tests...

2007-12-19 [Lady Arrianya]: *claws at tape, then at eyes because tape wont give* (yeah least its only Algebra)

2007-12-19 [Rook.]: *tapes paws together* knock it off, Anya...I have SO much tape that i could just tape all of you to the floor.
(*shivers harder* i HATE algebra....math is my worst subject....)

2007-12-19 [Lady Arrianya]: (its one of my strong points) *changes into a bear so tape digs in*

2007-12-19 [Rook.]: (*pouts* lucky you.....) *sits on Anya andforces her back to a wolf form and presses a pressure point that every shapeshifter has on their back that keeps them in one shape for a while* Don't worry, i have one too....*turns into a kitten and sits on your head*

2007-12-19 [Lady Arrianya]: *growls and stands, quickly moving so Poe gently falls then bashes head against wall*


2007-12-19 [Rook.]: *turns into a tiger and swipes at Anya, moving her from the wall over to Pup*

2007-12-19 [Lady Arrianya]: I Shall do what I wish pup....and frankly, I have something else thats going to happen that needed that for a starter.....just have patience.

2007-12-19 [Eyonic]: fine

2007-12-19 [Rook.]: *turns back into Poe* whats that, Anya??

2007-12-19 [Lady Arrianya]: just pup trying to direct me...being as i am her slimeball and slave...long story

2007-12-19 [Rook.]: *huggles* awwww! poor Anya!! You're not my slimeball or my're my shape shifting sis...^^

2007-12-19 [Lady Arrianya]: YAYS!.....but I am pups slimeball.

2007-12-19 [Rook.]: *glares at Pup* don't call her a slimeball!! thats mean....*turns into a tiger and leaps at Pup*

2007-12-19 [Lady Arrianya]: *Kills PC* it lost all of what i just typed......grr

2007-12-19 [Lady Arrianya]: *stops Poe* She is allowed...and it is my nickname from middle school. *jumps back to corner and starts biting self again*

2007-12-19 [Rook.]: *turns around and leaps at Anya* ANYA!! Stop that!! *tackles Anya still in tiger form* I SAID STOP!!

2007-12-19 [Lady Arrianya]: *throws Poe off and continues to bite self*

2007-12-20 [Rook.]: *growls and turns into an octopus and uses all eight legs (or are they arms??) to seperate her mouth from her paws* Stop, Anya!! *looks around* I would like a little help here!!!

2007-12-20 [Sir Riddle]: but this situation is so amusing^^^ the despair to get loose, the tension if it could succeed..., but I suppose that's not very kind, isn't it...?

2007-12-20 [Lady Arrianya]: *glares at riddle and tries to bite tail*

2007-12-20 [Sir Riddle]: what was the initial situation that put you in that tape?

2007-12-20 [Rook.]: *glares at Riddle and reaches on of her numerous arms (or legs) over and brings him into the jumble. Uses another arm to keep Anya's head forward* gee, thanks alot...i suppose you are now part of this situation now....

2007-12-20 [Lady Arrianya]: *growls at Riddle and tries to snap at him*

2007-12-20 [Rook.]: *tries to keep them apart* Oh, geesh! Knock it off, you two!!

2007-12-20 [Lady Arrianya]: * bites Poe then tries to continue biting self, shifting into bear form so that she has more strength*

2007-12-20 [Rook.]: *looks shocked and sits down on the floor, nursing her bleeding arm*

2007-12-20 [Lady Arrianya]: *bites self as hard as she can*

2007-12-20 [Rook.]: *winces as she hears the snap of bone* RIDDLE!! PLEASE DO SOMETHING!!!

2007-12-20 [Sir Riddle]: *looks interested, than tapes anya's mouth shut with glassfibre tape*

2007-12-20 [Lady Arrianya]: *tries to rip tape off with paws, digging claws into eyes as she does*

2007-12-20 [Sir Riddle]: *sighs* why is she doing this? *ties front paws to back paws after a few minutes of snarling and scratching*

2007-12-20 [Lady Arrianya]: *glares and growls, then turns back into a wolf and continues biting self*

2007-12-20 [Rook.]: *sighs and uses one hand to press the spot on Anya's back that paralizes her* Remember, Anya, anything i do to you, can be done to me.....

2007-12-20 [Lady Arrianya]: * glares at poe and whimpers, wanting to hurt self*

2007-12-20 [Lady Arrianya]: *finally fights off the paralyzation and starts biting self again*

2007-12-20 [Sir Riddle]: we can always use force...?

2007-12-20 [Lady Arrianya]: *launches at riddle and attempts to rip throat out*

2007-12-20 [Rook.]: *jumps in the way and pushes Anya away* NO!!! MY RIDDLE!!!! *holds Riddle away from Anya* MINE!!!

2007-12-20 [Sir Riddle]: *dodges with ease* you are tied in a lot of places..., you're not as fast or agile as usual...

2007-12-20 [Lady Arrianya]: * tries to rip all bonds and does. runs at wall and hits it hard*

2007-12-20 [Sir Riddle]: *disintegrates any potentially painful objects, then conjures a hamsterball around anya*

2007-12-20 [Lady Arrianya]: *tries to rip hamsterball, but cant. turns into biggest bear she can and feels slightly satisfied as she is squashed against the ball*

2007-12-20 [Sir Riddle]: *simply expands the ball by 3 feet* this is going to cost some energy..., poe, talk to her...

2007-12-20 [Rook.]: *looks at Anya* ANya.....stop....'tis dinner time...

2007-12-20 [Lady Arrianya]: *glares out of ball and turns into rodent, chewing own tail*

2007-12-20 [Sir Riddle]: I can try to bind her too, but that would take a lot of energy..., especially with her ability to change her shape and size...

2007-12-20 [Lady Arrianya]: *bites tail off and watches blood gush out of it*

2007-12-20 [Sir Riddle]: *places a bind on anya, making it unable for her to move* this is going to take a lot of energy, so you must speak to her quickly!!

2007-12-20 [Lady Arrianya]: *struggles but cant move*

2007-12-20 [Sir Riddle]: *sinks to one knee* I can last for 10 minutes, no longer!

2007-12-20 [Lady Arrianya]: *continues struggling, trying with everything to break the bond*

2007-12-20 [Sir Riddle]: *starts to sweat* come on poe! we need you!

2007-12-20 [Lady Arrianya]: *feels bond weakening and redoubles efforts*

2007-12-20 [Eyonic]: I'm gone for a week and a half, so see you peoples later! Merry Christmas!

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: I will be here tomorow sometime....but will be gone for about 2 wks after tommorow will be the last from me for a while too....Night

2007-12-21 [Sir Riddle]: I can be online every day..., I have no place to go^^^

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *hold Anya down* ANYA!! LISTEN TO ME!!! Stop hurting yourself!! did you know if you hurt yoiurself, your hurting me as well??

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: I'll have no where to go it's just gonna be me and Riddle.....^^<img:stuff/BR-GIF.gif>

2007-12-21 [Sir Riddle]: I really don't mind^^^

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: me either ^^

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *glares at poe and runs to corner, sheilding self so others cant see and continuing to hurt self.*

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *watches from behind Anya curiously* watcha doing??

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *jumps and turns* noth...noth...nothing...* goes back to biting self*

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *shakes head sadly* Anya, Anya, Anya....

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *drops cloud and flops......not wanting to hurt friends but not wanting to be there either*

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *looks confused* are you a fish??

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *glares* cant you tell a wolf when you see one?

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *walks to poe and lays head on hand* I just cant stop thinking bad things right now.....

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *huggles Anya and starts petting head* wanna talk about it?

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: sort of......I do but i dont because I know its going to tick at least one of you off.

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: I don't leave for another 5 hours!

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: good for you pup!

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: lol

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: ^^ i don't leave for the next, well, forever^^ so, tell me!!

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *glares at pup* dont start

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: ^^ lol

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *glares at poe* dont you start either....* walks away to corner and wishes could just stop.....*

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *is shocked at the hostilty and sits against a wall. looks at Anya and conjures up a knife and looks at it, then at her arm*

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: Well........basically i just about did something i shouldnt have

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: what?

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *looks at Anya* mind expanding on that?? i did something i shouldn't have as well.....

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: you go first *glares at pup, then dismisses her*

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: I do a lot of things i shouldnt

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: We know pls SHUT UP!!!! You arent helping things and i am still pissed about just dont start....

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *agrees with Pup* you want to go over to problemtalk and talk there...if so..just click on USA, Pennsylvania....

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: lol

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: no....I would rather not.....might be too many opinions and I'm confused enough on the whole situation right now

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: well, still, i would like you to tell me when you want to.....<my porblemtalk is a private one....not that it matters>

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: no, she would go to Wyoming. After all, we're both in the same school!

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *tapes pups mouth shut*

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *laughs and hands another roll of tape* if she's anything like u, u might need this...

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *uses whole roll to secure pup* that might hold her *uses pressure point to stop pup from shifting to were form*...just to be safe

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *giggles* i have SO much more where that came from....

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: grrrrrr, why you little...........I ought a............well Rawr then.

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *starts to laugh uncontrolably and rolls around on the floor*

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *glares back towards Poe* whats so funny?

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *stops laughing* Pup said Rawr......

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: *growls*

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *sits up and faces Anya, ignoring Pup* so, whats up?

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: ah, not much. After school today I have to go to Wisconsin, land of the cheeseheads. goodie.

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: the go first....

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *sighs* my grandfather and his wife came into to town last night.....the only good part of the night was i was talking to you guys and Riddle, and i got fifty dollars for christmas.....>_>

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *re-tapes pup's mouth shut, wondering how she got the tape off without her hands..*

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: i sry *hugs poe* so what did you do that was bad?

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: *munch munch munch* Anywho, how are you Poe?

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *shifts and rips pups fingers off*

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *sighs* tired...i'm running on three hours of sleep.....and the thing i did that was bad...well....'tis better unsaid....*hides arms*

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: *blinks in surprise and starts crying* Now I cant have finger food! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *puts fingers back on* there you go *sits on my arms*

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *grabs arms and heals them* U might have matched mine then....*sheilds memories of night before*

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: night before?

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: last night *steals voicebox, and keyboard to silence pup*

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: not going to work. You cant silence my mind voice!

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: FINE THEN!!! *ignores pup completely and wonders if she should tell poe about the night before*

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: What about the night before?

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *doesnt hear pup and watches Poe who is sitting near her*

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *looked at her arms, then at Anya* so, whats wrong Anya?

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: life....* looks at own wrists and still sees nail marks in them, though they are faint*

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: SLIMEBALL!!!!!!!!!! *runs over to her and growls*

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *still ignores pup, but wonders how she got free.*

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *puts Pup in a hamsterball. looks at own wrists and sees the blade marks, still fresh* i can agree with that...

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: ooooo, HAMSTERBALL!!!!!!!! *rolls around in circles, totally enjoying herself*

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *grins briefly*

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: yeah...I felt like killing myself and the only thing that stopped me was being on the phone with a friend and his making me promise him not to do it as well as reminding me of my promises to another friend, whom he goes to school with

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: i know how you felt....i actualy treid to go through with it yesterday...but the only thing that kept me was talking to you guys when i wasn't talking to Riddle...

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: im glad i could help. *shifts back to wolf form and lays across poe, biting own paw*

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: *Still rolling around in the hamsterball and accidentally rolls over wolf-anya*

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *is rolled over and jumps onto the ball, running on it and forcing it into the wall as hard as she can, throwing the enclosed pup off her feet. goes back to Poe and again lays across her, again biting herself, only her tail this time.*

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: *rubs hurt head from being knocked over and whines, but gets right back up and rolls around some more*

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *wonders why poe hasnt stopped her as yet as she sinks her teeth into her tail, drawing blood*

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *feels poe dissapear from under her and feels alone in the room....curls up in corner, knowing she will do more harm to herself because she is alone*

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *returns and slumps to the floor by Anya* sorry about happens once in a while....

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: hmmmmm

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *looks at Pup* come here, Pup! ^^ *pats the floor beside her*

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: you didnt do anything again did you?

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: *runs over to Poe and sits down, wagging her non-existing tail* Nope

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *slaps pup.* Not you! 

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: well, not exactly...

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: explain....NOW!!!

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *pouts in a corner and rubs wrist* you don't have to yell

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: well, explain!

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: now, poe

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: .....i didn't do anything though...i was running errands, thats all....

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: ohh..okiday then *flops in corner and looks at tail, thinking about biting again*

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *squirts Anya with a squirt bottle* NO!

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *shakes water off then looks at poe* what?

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: NO BITING!!! *glares and pouts in a different corner*

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *walks over and waves tail in face* no pouting then

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: fine....

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *sits on Poe and thinks about life in general*

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *is sat on and is thinking the same thing, but in a different context...more like thinking about a person*

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *nibbles Poes fingers gently to distract her*

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *is driven out of her daydream* what? *puts head down* i was having a wonderfull daydream....

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *hangs head and bites paw again for inturrupting*

2007-12-21 [Rook.]: *pouts* i have to go...i'll see you all on monday...

2007-12-21 [Child of the night - lord of vampires]: *ppof of smoke* arg where am i?

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: bye poe

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *pounces knocking night over with wolf paws* In a room!

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: hello there!

2007-12-21 [Child of the night - lord of vampires]: *sigh* teleportation never bloody works in this place

2007-12-21 [Child of the night - lord of vampires]: oh hello, sorry talking to.... nevermind

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *curls up on the now sitting night* you should read the archive so that you can get an idea of whats going on...
pup- he's another vamp

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: oooooo, Another vamp! simply lovely! well met!

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: pls be nice.....I would hate to have another fight after things getting interesting again pup...*glares*

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *shifts to elven form and pokes pup* wake up over there....girly

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: Oh, what, are you afraid I'll get tyrannic again?

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: ?? I confused now....and its ur fault!

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: ahahahahahaha, Why would you want me to be nice now?

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: being blonde....*slaps self* no, just that you will pull a mouse and start yelling at others

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: now why would I do something like that, hmmmm? mwahahahahahaha! <img:stuff/mood5-gif.gif>

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *shifts back to wolf form and crouches* because your slimeball isnt as easily controlled anymore

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: *growls* Is that so eh? On the contrary, Slimeball, I can quite easily control you.

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: ohh? Try me *prepares for fight*

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: *grabs you by the scruff and throws you into a giant bubble.* there!

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *bursts bubble with magic and launches* Dont do that again!

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: hahahahahahahaha!

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *hits pup in the side.* wanna die?

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: (I wonder if night is still reading or if he left.....and i didnt realize we had typed that much in the rp...)

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: yesh........we got a little carried away....................tehehehehehe!

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: just a little bit *holds arms wide to demonstrate*

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: yup yup, I agree!

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *looks down guiltily*

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: why would you be guilty. oh, never mind! I'm going now.

2007-12-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *dissapears for unknown amount of time*

2007-12-23 [Child of the night - lord of vampires]: wow, long sleep there, so who is in here with me?

2007-12-24 [Lady Arrianya]: *spirit floats in, again a wolf and flops next to night* I I'm, but i'm not.... *stays in spirit, even though body is not present.*

2007-12-24 [Child of the night - lord of vampires]: hmmm, an interesting place *takes spirit form of a pure silver wolf*

2007-12-24 [Rook.]: *gasps* wow....i sure missed alot.....*reads and grins* YAY!!!! another vampire!!

2007-12-25 [Lady Arrianya]: yes poe.....I have struck again....and got a chance to be on for a while too...(you messed me up....I had another good one....long but good....could put it in-between yours would fit there nicely)

2007-12-26 [Rook.]: (...go for it....i can't wait!!)
YAYS!!! Anyas gonna bes on!!! *looks around, lost* Anyas?? Wheres you be??

2007-12-26 [Eyonic]: *appears out of thin air* Hi!!!!!!!!!! Finally I have escaped from the family..........but I wonder for how long.....

2007-12-26 [Rook.]: *huggles Eyo until she's partialy smothered* EEEYYYOOOO!!!!!

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